Creation Calendar

The Creation Calendar shows Hebrew
Months which begin at each new moon.
Enter the Gregorian Calendar date to see
the corresponding Hebrew Month, OR
a Hebrew Month and Gregorian year.


Select by Day, Month, Year:




by Hebrew Month:

Hebrew Month:

Isaiah 53 from the Aleppo Codex

Who has believed Our report? And to whom has the arm of יהוה been revealed? For He comes up as a tender plant before Him, and as a Root out of a dry ground. He has no form, nor honor, when we observe Him, nor beauty, that we should desire Him. He was despised, and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. And as one hiding His countenance from us, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by Elohim, and afflicted. And He was pierced for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned each to his own way, and יהוה has laid on Him את the punishment of us all. He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. He was led as a Lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, He did not open His mouth. By oppression and trial was taken away, and who can speak of את His descendants? For He was cut off from the land of the living, for the transgressions of My people He was stricken. And He made His grave with את the wicked, and with את the rich in His death, because He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth. Yet it pleased יהוה to bruise Him and to cause Him to suffer, and though יהוה makes His life an offering for sin, He will see His offspring and prolong His days, and the will of יהוה will prosper in His hand. He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities. Therefore I will give Him a portion with the great, and shall divide את the spoil with the strong, because He poured out His soul even to death, and was numbered with את the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

Using the Creation Calendar

The duration of the Creation Calendar is 7000 years. This website can currently display Hebrew Months for any year within the range 3977 B.C.E. to 3024 C.E. Use the navigation box located at the top of this page to view Hebrew Months on the Creation Calendar. There are two ways to access months. Enter a Gregorian/Julian calendar date (Day, Month, Year) to go to the Hebrew Month in which that date is found, or directly select a Hebrew Month and a Gregorian/Julian year. The abbreviation C.E. means Common Era and B.C.E. means Before Common Era. Click on B.C.E to access years before 1 C.E.

Spiritual Years begin in the spring around March or April on the Gregorian/Julian calendar, and Hebrew Months are numbered from the beginning of the Spiritual Year. The navigation box utililizes Gregorian/Julian years and Hebrew Months. The convention chosen to identify Spiritual Years on this website is to use the corresponding Gregorian/Julian year in which the Spiritual Year begins.

Gregorian or Julian Date

If you know a Gregorian/Julian
date, enter it here to find the
corresponding Hebrew Month that
contains that date.

Select by Hebrew Month

If you know which Hebrew Month
you wish to see, select it here.

C.E. and B.C.E. Buttons

Select C.E. for Gregorian/Julian years
on or after year 1 C.E. Select B.C.E.
for years occurring before 1 C.E.

View Calendar Button

Once you have selected either a
Gregorian/Julian date or a
Hebrew Month number, click this
button to see that Hebrew Month.

The Calendar Page

After pressing the View Calendar button, a calendar page appears displaying the selected Hebrew Month. The sample calendar page below shows Hebrew Month 1 which occurred in 1989 C.E. on the Gregorian Calendar. This example will be used to demonstrate helpful features of the Creation Calendar.

Month Header

(See detail below)

Week Day Header

Shows the Hebrew names
for the days of the week.

New Moon Day

Months begin at sundown
at the start of Day 1.
The first visible crescent
of the moon will be seen
in Jerusalem at this time
assuming good visibility.
The first crescent moon is
called the Rosh Chodesh.

Seasons Change

A yellow rectangle at the
bottom of a day indicates
either the spring or fall
equinox or the summer or
winter solstice.

Special Days

Colors other than tan
indicate special days such
as weekly Sabbaths, High
Sabbaths, Festivals, fasts
and other important days.
(see detail below)

Sabbath Days

All the Sabbaths of יהוה
identified in Leviticus 23
are displayed using a
dark blue background.

Special Readings

Names in red and
purple are Hebrew titles
for Scripture readings on
that day. You can click
on these days to see
what the readings are.

Parashah Reading

Hebrew names in blue
denote weekly readings
of The Parashah Cycle
which is used for reading
the Torah annually.

Rosh Chodesh

Hebrew Months usually
have 29 or 30 days. The
Rosh Chodesh marks the
end of one month and the
beginning of another.
The crescent can be
seen shortly after
sundown on the last
day of the month.

The Month Header

Hebrew Month

Seal of Israel (Home Button)

Civil Year

Gregorian Years

Spiritual Year

7000 Year Timeline

The Ages

Jubilee Cycle Timeline

Back Button

Hebrew Month

A Hebrew Year can have either 12 or 13 months. Hebrew Months are designated by numbers. The month number is located in the upper left corner of the Month Header.

Seal of Israel

This stylized seal of Israel in the Month Header also serves as a clickable button for going back to the home page.

Spiritual Year

This bar graphic represents the Spiritual Year. Numbers on the bar graphic correspond to Hebrew Months within that year. On the Spiritual Year bar, a red square enclosing a month number indicates which Hebrew Month is being displayed. By clicking on these numbers, you can quickly navigate to other months within the year. The Spiritual Year begins in the spring on Day 1 of Month 1 which is in March or April on the Gregorian calendar. The annual festival cycle begins in Month 1 of the Spiritual Year. Israelite kings historically reckoned their reigns from Month 1.

Red square showing Hebrew Month 1 selected

12 Month Spiritual Regular Year

13 Month Spiritual Leap Year

Civil Year

This bar graphic represents the Civil Year. Numbers on this bar graphic correspond to month numbers of the overlapping Spiritual year. The Civil Year begins in the fall in Month 7 in September or October on the Gregorian calendar. The Civil Year is the offset and the complement to the Spiritual Year. The Jubilee Cycle is determined from the Civil Year which begins in Month 7 of the Spiritual Year. The fall festivals occur in Month 7 which is the first month of the Civil Year. Judean kings historically reckoned their reigns from Month 7.

Color coding helps
distinguish between
the various types of
Civil Years

Regular Civil Year

Sabbatical Year

Jubilee Year

The Spiritual Year

The corresponding Civil Year

Civil Years always begin in
Month 7 of the Spiritual Year

Gregorian Years

This bar graphic represents two sequential Julian years before October 14, 1582 C.E. and two sequential Gregorian years after this date. It is labeled with letters that correspond to the Gregorian month names (J for January, F for February, etc.). All of the year bar graphics shown are precisely positioned in relation to each other and to their alignment with the seasons. The seasons are color coded, labeled and are shown in the background as part of the Month Header.

1989 C.E.

Calendar Year

1990 C.E.

Next Calendar Year

Jubilee Cycle

The Jubilee Cycle consists of 50 Civil Years - seven Shemittah Cycles and a Jubilee Year. A Shemittah Cycle consists of seven Civil Years where the seventh year is a Sabbatical Year. The Jubilee Cycle Timeline on the Month Header is subdivided into three rows. The top row is divided into 50 small tiles, where each tile represents a Civil Year in the Jubilee Cycle. The second row shows the seven Shemittah Cycles plus the Jubilee Year shown as the last tile on the far right. The bottom row shows the entire duration of the Jubilee Cycle. A red border enclosing one of the Civil Year tiles, indicates which Civil Year is being displayed. The seven Sabbatical years are color coded light blue, and the Jubilee Year at the right end of the bar is color coded purple. By clicking any of the 50 Civil Year tiles on this bar, you can quickly navigate to other years within the Jubilee Cycle.









Numbered Civil Years
within the Jubilee Cycle

Line connecting the
Jubilee Cycle Timeline
up to the Civil Year bar

Red border indicates which
Civil Year is being displayed

Small tiles represent
individual Civil Years
in this Jubilee Cycle

7 year blocks known
as Shemittah Cycles

Bar representing the
50 year Jubilee Cycle
consisting of seven
Shemittah Cycles and
a single Jubilee Year

In this example, the red square is
indicating Civil Year 3 of Shemittah
Cycle 4 which is also Civil Year 24
of this Jubilee Cycle

The Jubilee Year, represented
as a purple rectangle, is Year 50
in the Jubilee Cycle and is not
part of any Shemittah Cycle

7000 Year

The complete Creation Calendar spans 7000 years. This 7000 Year Timeline is divided into 140 Jubilee Cycles. Each position on the scale represents one 50 year Jubilee Cycle. The years from creation are shown in 1000 year increments above the timeline. The Jubilee Cycles from creation are shown in 20 cycle increments below the timeline.

Hebrew Years since creation

Jubilee Cycles since creation

The Ages

The colored bars aligned underneath the 7000 Year Timeline represent the various ages in the 7000 Year Plan of Elohim. The Present Age is color coded turquoise. The Age of Desolation is color coded purple. The Age of Instruction is color coded orange. The world is currently in the Age of the Messiah which is color coded green. The Age of Life or the Millennial Kingdom is color coded blue.

Back Button

Click this button to go back to the previous web page from which you came.

Special Days

The Creation Calendar identifies special days such as festival days, fast days, the modern state of Israel's civil holidays and other important days using specially colored backgrounds. Below is a color key which identifies the background colors used for designating these special days.

Ordinary Days

Light tan is the default color used for common ordinary calendar days.

Sabbaths & High Sabbaths

Dark blue represents weekly Sabbaths and the seven High Sabbaths or appointed times of יהוה . According to Leviticus 23, everyone is commanded to observe and to rest on these days.

Intermediate Festival Days

Light blue represents festival days on which work is permitted.

Minor Festival Days

Purple designates minor festival days. These are festivals which are recorded in Scripture or in other historical sources. Observance of these is optional and not commanded in Scripture.

Minor Fast Days

Orange indicates minor fasts which are found in Scripture and other sources. They are shown for their historical relevance and are not commanded in Scripture.

Minor Festival Sabbath Days

This combination of blue and purple is used whenever a minor festival day occurs on a weekly Sabbath.

Israel's Civil Holidays.

Green designates the modern state of Israel's civil holidays as they appear on the Creation Calendar. Israel currently observes its civil holidays on the Rabbinic Calendar.

Jubilee New Year

This blue-green color is used to indicate the beginning of a Jubilee Year. The Jubilee Year occurs every 50 years and begins on Day 10 of Month 7, also known as Yom Kippur.

Minor Fast Before Passover

Light blue and orange is for the special case when the Fast of the Firstborn falls on the preparation day for the Passover Seder. The Passover occurs at sundown commencing Day 14 of Month 1.

New Moon Days (can be any color)

A superimposed crescent moon over any background color denotes a Rosh Chodesh in Jerusalem at sundown that day. It marks the end of the current month and the start of the next one.

Equinoxes and Solstices

An equinox is defined as the time when the apparent geocentric longitude of the sun (that is, calculated by including the effects of aberration and nutation) is either 0 degrees (the spring equinox) or 180 degrees (the fall equinox). On the day of an equinox, daytime and nighttime are approximately the same anywhere on the earth. In the northern hemisphere, the spring equinox denotes the transition from winter to spring, whereas the fall equinox marks the transition from summer to fall. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, and the summer solstice is the longest for observers in the northern hemisphere. The spring equinox is used to determine when the Spiritual Year begins which is the process of intercalation.

Intercalation is the method of determining when to insert an extra month (a leap Month 13) in order to keep the Spiritual Year synchronized with the seasons. In an intercalated Hebrew Year, Month 12 has also been called Adar א Aleph (Adar I) and the following intercalary Month 13 has been called Adar ב Bet (Adar II). The seasons are ruled by the sun, and the spring equinox is the demarcation point for the solar cycle in the Creation Calendar. The Creation Calendar always places Day 15 of Month 1 on or after the Hebrew Day of the spring equinox. The following colors and shapes are used on the Creation Calendar for displaying the equinoxes and solstices.

Equinox or Solstice

A yellow rectangle at the bottom of a day indicates an equinox or solstice event occurs during that day. The precise time of the event is displayed inside this yellow rectangle area.

Equinox or Solstice After Sunset

If an equinox or solstice event occurs after sunset in Jerusalem on the Gregorian/Julian date listed in almanacs, then a yellow triangle appears for that day. A yellow rectangle indicates the equinox or solstice event on the correct Hebrew Day.

Calendar Day Detail

Each day rectangle displayed in the Creation Calendar displays the Hebrew Day of the Hebrew Month, and the corresponding dates on the Gregorian/Julian calendar. Some days provide additional information. The following diagram explains possible types of information that can be shown on calendar days.

The Day Number

This is the day number
of the Hebrew Month.
Days are counted from
the Rosh Chodesh as
sighted under ideal
conditions from

Special Events

This is where the names
of festivals, fasts and
other holidays are shown.
Sometimes Scriptural
references, other sources,
or additional details may
also be provided here.

Parashah Reading

Hebrew names in blue
denote weekly readings
of The Parashah Cycle
which is used for reading
the Torah annually.

Additional Notes

The upper righthand
corner is set aside for
special notes such as
the status of the 50 day
counting of the Omer.

Special Readings

The three middle rows can
show one or more special
Scripture readings for
certain days. Click on
that calendar day to see
which readings are listed.

Julian Day Numbers

Julian Day Numbers are used by
astronomers and historians.
Julian Day zero is Monday,
January 1, 4713 B.C.E. in the
proleptic Julian Calendar. Julian
days occur from noon of one day
until noon of the next day.

Gregorian / Julian Date

Hebrew days occur between
sundown of the Gregorian/Julian
dates displayed on line 1 and
line 3. The bold date on line 3
corresponds with the daylight
portion of a Hebrew day.

The 24 Priestly Courses

When the sacrificial system was in operation, the Levitical priests were divided into shifts which operated on a rotation basis. These shift rotations are referred to as the priestly divisions or the sacerdotal courses. It is certain that the 24 Priestly Courses operated on a continuous 168 day cycle with 24 shifts of 7 days.

Identifying the 24 Priestly Courses

During the time when the 24 Priestly Courses were operating, the Creation Calendar displays a large number on each weekly Sabbath. This number corresponds to the number of a particular Priestly Course which assumed responsibility for the temple until the next weekly Sabbath. One Course concluded its service as another assumed control in the midst of a weekly Sabbath.

Numbering of the 24 Priestly Courses:


The Calibration of the 24 Priestly Courses on the Creation Calendar

According to 1 Chronicles 24:3-19, the 24 Priestly Courses were actually devised by King David and the High Priests Zadok II and Ahimelech II in 962 B.C.E. as can be gleaned from 2 Chronicles 8:12-14.

The 24 Priestly Courses began with Course 1 - Jehoiarib on Yom Teruah on New Moon 7 in 951 B.C.E. which was also on the first day of Year 2 of Shemittah Cycle 425. Course 1 - Jehoiarib was on duty when the First Temple burned on the Fast of Month 5 on Day 9 / Month 5 in 593 B.C.E. The Talmud in Arachin 11B indicates and the Creation Calendar confirms that Course 1 - Jehoiarib was in fact on duty that week.

Figure 1: Priestly Course 1 (951 B.C.E.)

Solomon initiated the 24 Priestly Courses starting with Course 1 - Jehoiarib on New Moon 7 in 951 B.C.E. at the dedication of the First Temple as David commanded in 2 Chronicles 8:12-14.

Figure 2: Priestly Course 1 (593 B.C.E.)

The First Temple burned between Day 7-10 of Month 5 in 593 B.C.E. according to the account in 2 Kings 25:8-9 and Jeremiah 52:12-13. Course 1 - Jehoiarib was on duty at this time according to Arachin 11B.

According to Ezra 7:1-10, Ezra left Babylon on New Moon 1 in 458 B.C.E. and arrived in Jerusalem on New Moon 5 in 458 B.C.E. in Year 7 of Artaxerxes I (465-424). It is evident from Ezra 2:36-39 that of the 24 Priestly Courses which existed at the end of the First Temple Period, only 4 Priestly Courses returned in 458 B.C.E. These were: Course 9 - Jeshua; Course 16 - Immer; Course 5 - Malchijah or at least the descendents of Pashur son of Malchijah [Nehemiah 11:12]; and Course 3 - Harim. According to Ezra 6:17-18, these four priestly family lines reconstituted themselves into the 24 Priestly Divisions in order to equitably divide the tasks of performing the temple service.

Josephus said in Antiquities 11 / 107-108 that sacrifices were offered at the temple dedication on Day 23 / Month 12 in 456 B.C.E. The Creation Calendar shows that Course 1 - Jehoiarib would have come on duty 1 day earlier on Day 22 / Month 12 in 456 B.C.E., at the end of Year 8 of Artaxerxes I (465-424), exactly 8 days before his Year 9 began. According to Ezra 6:19-22, the Passover was kept in Jerusalem on Day 14 / Month 1 of 456 B.C.E. and the Feast of Unleavened Bread was kept for 7 days with joy from Day 15 / Month 1 of 456 B.C.E. to Day 21 / Month 1. Josephus correctly indicates in Antiquities 11 / 109-110 that Passover was observed in Year 9 of Artaxerxes I (465-424) in the year the Second Temple was dedicated.

Figure 3: Priestly Course 1 (456 B.C.E.)

The Second Temple period appears to have begun with Course 1 - Jehoiarib which came on duty on Day 22 / Month 12 in 456 B.C.E. Josephus said in Antiquities 11 / 107-108 that the temple was dedicated and sacrifices were offered the next day on Day 23 / Month 12.

Figure 4: Priestly Course 1 (445 B.C.E.)

Nehemiah finished rebuilding the walls on Day 25 / Month 6 in 445 B.C.E. according to Nehemiah 6:15. Course 1 - Jehoiarib would have begun their shift on Day 29 / Month 6 and would have been on hand for the dedication of the wall on Day 1 of Month 7 in 445 B.C.E.

According to Nehemiah 1:1-7, it was only 10 years later in Year 19 of Artaxerxes I (465-424), which was in 446 B.C.E. in Nehemiah's twentieth year of service to the king, that the children of Israel were in great distress for not keeping the commandments, statutes, and ordinances of Elohim.

As the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and the gates were burned, the temple service obviously ceased and the 24 Priestly Courses were not able to perform their duty for some period of time. According to Nehemiah 2:1-8, it was in Year 20 of Artaxerxes I (465-424) in 445 B.C.E. that this very king decreed that the Judeans could rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, the gates, the palace and the temple.

According to Nehemiah 6:15, Nehemiah rebuilt the walls in 52 days finishing on Day 25 / Month 6 in 445 B.C.E. The Levites were appointed at this time according to Nehemiah 7:1-2, and Nehemiah 12:44-47. The Creation Calendar shows that Course 1 - Jehoiarib would have begun their shift on the Sabbath on Day 29 / Month 6 in 445 B.C.E. in Year 20 of Artaxerxes I (465-424). Course 1 - Jehoiarib would have been on duty at the dedication of the wall on New Moon 7 in 445 B.C.E. For according to Nehemiah 12:32-36 and Nehemiah 12:40-42, the wall was dedicated on Yom Teruah on the Day of Trumpets on New Moon 7, exactly 6 days after the walls were finished.

Figure 5: Priestly Course 8 (4 B.C.E.)

Zachariah drew the lot to burn incense in the Second Temple on Day 21 / Month 3 in 4 B.C.E. when Gabriel told him he would have a son named John. Zachariah was from Course 8 - Abijah according to Luke 1:5.

Figure 6: Priestly Course 8 (28 C.E.)

John the Immerser was 30 years old when according to Luke 1:80 he was commissioned as a Levitical priest on Day 25 / Month 1 during Course 8 - Abijah in the Second Temple. According to Acts 13:25, John finished his course on Day 3 / Month 2 in 28 C.E.

According to Luke 1:5-23, Zachariah encountered the angel Gabriel during Course 8 - Abijah which was on duty from Day 21 / Month 3 to Day 28 / Month 3 in 4 B.C.E. John was conceived on New Moon 4 and he was born on New Moon 1 in 3 B.C.E. 6 months before יהושע the Messiah was born on New Moon 7 in 3 B.C.E.

John the Immerser was 30 years old when he was commissioned as a Levitical priest in the Second Temple on Day 25 / Month 1 in 28 C.E. according to Luke 1:80 on the first day of Course 8 - Abijah. Just before he was stoned to death, Stephen testified of the day John was finishing his course on Day 3 / Month 2 in 28 C.E. According to Acts 13:25, John prophesied of יהושע on that day.

Figure 7: Priestly Course 5 (70 C.E.)

The daily sacrifice was suspended on Day 17 / Month 4 in 70 C.E. according to Josephus in Wars 6 / 93-94 and Arachin 11B. This was the last day of Course 4 - Seorim and the first day of Course 5 - Malchijah.

The evidence in the Messianic Scriptures and the Babylonian Talmud suggests that the 24 Priestly Courses ran in a constant 24 week cycle of 168 days (24 X 7) from the time Solomon instituted them on New Moon 7 in 951 B.C.E. until the daily sacrifice was suspended on the Fast of Month 4 in 70 C.E. Course 4 - Seorim was finishing and Course 5 - Malchijah was scheduled to begin the day the daily sacrifice failed.

The 24 Priestly Courses ran for 2217 complete cycles ending in the 2218th cycle. The Creation Calendar appears to prove that the 24 Priestly Courses, established by King David and the High Priests Zadok II and Ahimelech II, and initiated by King Solomon and the High Priest Azariah III, were faithfully observed by the Levitical priesthood for 1019 years, 10 months and 17 days. This is remarkable considering that there were at least four significant periods of time when the Temple was not operating.

For more specific information on the history of 24 Priestly Courses consult the following PDF article:

Viewing the Rosh Chodesh

When viewing any month on the Creation Calendar, it is possible to view how the new moon appears in the evening sky in Jerusalem for either the beginning or end of the month shown. Click on the number 1 on the first day of the month to see a graphic of the new moon which begins this month. Click on the number 29 or 30 on the last day of the month to see a graphic of the new moon which ends this month.

Click on this Number to
see the Rosh Chodesh
that begins this month.

Click on this Number to
see the Rosh Chodesh
that ends this month.

All data pertaining specifically to any new moon graphic, such as sunset time, moonset time, lag time and best crescent sighting time, are displayed below the graphic and can be viewed by scrolling down.

Viewing Solar and Lunar Eclipses

There are 16,645 solar eclipses and 16,874 lunar eclipses in the 7000 Hebrew Year range from 3977 B.C.E. to 3024 C.E. Eclipses occur every few months and are important signs provided by Elohim. Ultimately, eclipses will allow mankind to calibrate the Scriptural 50 year Jubilee Cycle and the epoch of the Creation Calendar. When Elohim confirms the epoch of creation He will simultaneously confirm when the seventh millennium will begin.

All eclipses can be viewed in the Hebrew Months where they occur. Separate icons for solar and lunar eclipses may be seen on the particular Hebrew Days in which they occur. The same eclipse icon is also shown on the left side of the Month Header at the top of the Calendar page. Clicking on an eclipse icon opens the Eclipse Viewer pop-up window where the eclipse can be studied.





Lunar Eclipse Viewer

The Eclipse Viewer pop-up window appears immediately after clicking on the Lunar Eclipse Icon. This window can be dragged around by clicking and holding down on the border to permit repositioning the Viewer window anywhere on the screen. Click the red X button in the upper right corner to close the Eclipse Viewer window.

Details Tab
The Details Tab initially appears when the Eclipse Viewer is first opened. It shows details about the selected lunar eclipse.

Play Button
Click the Play Button to view a 10 second animation of the selected lunar eclipse.

Map View Tab
Click the Map View Tab to display a map showing the geographic locations where the eclipse could be observed.

Maximum Eclipse Icon
Click the Moon icon to open a caption window on the Map Page to show more data about the selected lunar eclipse.

Shaded zones shown on the Lunar Eclipse Map display which phase of the eclipse will be potentially visible at various geographic locations during the course of the eclipse. Lunar eclipse phases can consist of the Penumbral, Partial and Total phases. In general, the darker shaded areas see fewer phases while the lighter shaded areas see the most. The diagram in the example below is for a Total Lunar Eclipse which includes all phases. Other types of lunar eclipses may show fewer shaded areas. For example, in the case of a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, there are only three zones displayed.

Zone 1

The eclipse cannot be seen at any time anywhere in this area.

Zone 2

Viewers here only see the first contact of the Penumbral phase.

Zone 3

Viewers here also see the first contact of the Partial phase.

Zone 4

Viewers here also see the first contact of the Total phase.

Zone 5

Viewers here also see the last contact of the Total Phase.

Zone 6

Viewers here also see the last contact of the Partial phase.

Zone 7

Viewers here also see the last contact of the Penumbral phase and so would see all phases of the eclipse.

Solar Eclipse Viewer

The Eclipse Viewer pop-up window appears immediately after clicking on the Solar Eclipse Icon. This window can be dragged around by clicking and holding down on the border to permit repositioning the Viewer window anywhere on the screen. Click the red X button in the upper right corner to close the Eclipse Viewer window.

Details Tab
The Details Tab initially appears when the Eclipse Viewer is first opened. It shows details about the selected solar eclipse.

Play Button
Click the Play Button to view a 10 second animation of the selected solar eclipse.

Map View Tab
Click the Map View Tab to display a map showing the geographic locations where the eclipse could be observed.

Maximum Eclipse Icon
Click the Sun icon to open a caption window on the Map Page to show more data about the selected solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse Path
For central eclipses, a purple line appears showing the path of the central shadow axis on the earth's surface where the sun is seen to be blocked by the moon.

Clickable Markers
Clicking on a map marker opens a small caption window displaying details about that location for this solar eclipse.

7000 Year Canon of
Lunar Eclipses

7000 Year Canon of
Lunar Eclipse Tetrads

7000 Year Canon of
Solar Eclipses

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